
Monday, August 31, 2020


 Today in wood class we made a little thing called purerehu. To make it, we each got a long narrow peice of wood and measured a circle on the outside for one end and an oval on the outside on the other end. The end result shouldve left it with it being able to spin it around and make a cool niose.

 Maori Purerehua - wind instrument in NZ -

Thursday, August 20, 2020


The Piano: The Pianofortes of Bartolomeo Cristofori (1655–1731) | Essay |  The Metropolitan Museum of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History

 The piano was invented in Italy by Bartolomelo Cristofori. The picture shows what the first ever paino looked like, which was made in the year 1655. A piano is an acoustic instrument where as a keyboard is an electric instrument, The piano is an instrument everyone loves and can enjoy to play, i've found it challenging to play keys that are very far from each other because I have small hands, but this is an instrument I love and have fun playing. 


Judging others

Why Judging Other People During Lockdown Can Do More Harm Than Good |  HuffPost UK LifeI'm sick of my friends judging what I eat. What should I say?'

 In wananga class we were given a task to work on a google slides that was shared with us. The slides are about inclusiveness and judging others, today we are to talk about a time where we judged someonelse different from ourselves. For me, I find it that I get "judged" a lot from other people because I know that I am "different", some people judge the way I talk or the way I look there are a lot of things people notice about me that is "different" or "unusual" to them. Although I do find it annoying at times I also do the same thing. Which is irritating because as much as I dont like other people assuming stuff about me, I can't help but do it to people who I dont know anything about. It could be a girl walking by and I would think oh "she's probably mean", or "oh she looks scruffy", small things like that happens almost everyday. Sometimes because of the judgments people make about me affect how they are towards me. So the best thing to do is at least try, just try not to judge someone just by looking at them, or hearing something about them from others, because you dont actually know unless you have seen it and heard it for yourself. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The treaty of waitangi


In wananga class we were given a task to go to as site and pick one of the books to read. I chose the book written by Claudia Orange called ¨What happened at Waitingi?¨. This book is about what happened when the Maori and the British agreed on signing the treaty.  Here are 3 facts that I learnt about what happened, the treaty was first signed on the 6th of Febuary 1840, The Queen extended her protection to the Māori people and granted them ‘all the rights and privileges of British subjects, the treaty of Waitangi was signed in James Busby´s house. Interpretations and meaning of the Treaty of Waitangi | Christchurch City  Libraries

Monday, August 17, 2020

Black Death rats and fleas

 Fleas and rats spread the Black Death. Firstly rats had the plague, this shows how easily Black Death could spread throughout Europe. Once humans caught the plague they went around others and passed on the virus. A person would interact with another person and because they didn't know, that caused more than just a few people to die from the Black Death..

Lecture 4

Healthy and unhealthy relationships

Define what a good relationship looks like to you

  • A good relationship is two people being comfortable towards one another and knowing that they can trust each other

  • A good relationship is noticing the little things and being

  • g there for them

  •  A good relationship is being free and having control over what they get to do and say

  • Lifting each other up instead of putting each other down

  • Being supportive of the others choices

  • Respecting each other

 In wananga class today we were to make a doc about unhealthy and healthy relationships. We were given 3 tasks one was giving ideas on how to turn a relationship that is unhealthy around, another was defining what good relationship is, and the last one was talking about someone in the class that shares a good relationship with me. My work is showing what I think a good relationship is. 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Comic strip

 How the tragic disease went from Asia to Europe

In social studies today we were to create a comic strip about how the black death travelled from Asia to Europe. Here is my work which is showing how it happened in little sentences. 

Monday, August 10, 2020


Today in chemistry we had to make a stop motion in slides, showing either convection or conduction. Convection is when heat is being transferred by a liquid or gas. In my stop motion it is showing a camp fire toasting a marshmallow through convection.  

Monday, August 3, 2020

convection experiment

Tea bag rockets
Today in science we did an experiment using tea bags, our aim was to observe convection. Convection is when an object has been heated causing the particles to break apart from each other then eventually floating up into the air. First we had to cut the top of the tea bag leaving it open to empty it out. Then we made the bag stand up, and use a lighter or matches to light it on fire. As it burnt to the bottom it soon flew up and floated, then slowly came down. Because the bag was heated up it caused the particles to break apart fast then slowly float upwards. I think this experiment was really cool because this is something you don´t get to see everyday, and seeing everyone´s reaction was funny.