
Thursday, October 29, 2020

Types of leadership

Leadership can mean many things like influencing others, helping others, sharing, caring, respecting, being a role model, you can be a leader just by doing the small things. Everyone has their own way of showing leadership not all the time is a leader someone who is the smartest, or the most talkative, or the most liked,  
everyone is a leader. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

cows eye dissection

Eye Dissection

Cow Eye Dissection | Perkins eLearning

Aim: To dissect a cows eye an look at the different parts of the eye

1. cows eye
2. tray
3. newspaper
4. tweezers
5. scissors

1. Set up with newspaper on the desk, the tray on top and the scissors and tweezers in the tray
2. put on rubber glove
3. start to remove the excess fat and meat from around the eyeball before dissecting it.
4. puncture a hole in the cornea where the cornea and the sci era meet. 
5. Cut around the cornea so that the vitreous fluid leaks out of the eye onto the tray. 
6. once the cornea has been totally removed you will be able to remove the lens from the iris
7. Cut the eye in half so that the inside is totally exposed. Once this has been one you will be able to access the retina at the back of the eye
8. You should now have place the retina, lens, cornea, and iris on a piece of paper. 
9. The dissection is now completed and all parts of the eye need to be wrapped ip and trashed. The trays and utensils that were used must be rinsed and the rubber globes thrown out. 

The cows eye has exactly the same parts as the human eye except for its ability to see better in the dark. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Light experiment

 Light experiment

Opaque - solid

Translucent - foggy

Transparent -  clear




Measuring Cylinder

1. Blurred

2. From the light box

3. Yes, you can see straight through

4. The same 

5. No



1. Clear

2. Coming from the light box

3. Yes, the light shines straight through

4. They are the same

5. Yes they do have colour



1. Clear

2. Coming from the light box

3. No you cant see the light straight through

4. Not the same

5. No